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Bomb It for Android

Playful Prank Text Spam App for Android

  • Developer: Sanchit Gera
  • License Type: free
  • Language: english
  • Platform: Android
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Bomb It, also known as BOMBitUP, is a fun and entertaining app designed for Android users. Developed by RomReviewer, its main purpose is to let you play harmless pranks on friends or family members with fake but believable text messages. It's completely free to use, though keep in mind that it should only be used for fun pranks and not as a form of revenge.
The app contains numerous APIs which give it more capabilities than similar tools in the market, allowing you to send a higher volume of messages quickly. Bomb It works well across different countries and even lets you adjust your sending speed—the faster the number, the quicker it sends out messages.
Beyond just pranks, Bomb It can also be used for marketing purposes. With over 5 billion SMS service subscribers globally and at a much lower cost than traditional advertising methods like TV or print, it's an effective way to promote your business. It allows you to send bulk messages simultaneously and save time while achieving impressive results quickly.
In summary, Bomb It is a versatile app for Android users that can be used both as an entertaining tool to prank friends and family or in a more productive manner by using it for SMS marketing.