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CleanSweep for Windows

Effortless Clutter Clearing with CleanSweep!

  • Developer: Thomas Loupe
  • License Type: free
  • Language: english
  • Platform: Windows
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Introducing SweepClean, a user-friendly file remover software designed specifically for Windows devices. This easy-to-use program is perfect for clearing your computer of unneeded files, such as junk mail, temporary files, cache data, cookies, browsing history and other residual content that can slow down your device. SweepClean is a free open-source program created by John Smith to help you quickly declutter and optimize the performance of your computer without breaking the bank.
With SweepClean, getting rid of unnecessary files is quicker than ever before with just one click and no need for installation or configuration. This versatile program offers two operating modes: Quick mode, which removes files without asking permission; and Verbose mode, which prompts approval before removal.
SweepClean features a straightforward user interface that enables you to view available options for deleting files immediately upon launching the program. To start, simply select the unwanted content in the upper section of the screen and then click on 'Remove Files' to clear them within a few seconds. Meanwhile, you can also review log information regarding app actions in the lower section of your screen during and after clean-up operations. This software will display storage space details before and after cleanup, as well as how much disk space you've saved in the process. You have the option to fully remove log data or copy parts of it for further analysis using third-party utilities if necessary.
SweepClean is a reliable choice for maintaining your computer's health and performance by eliminating unneeded files on a daily basis. Say goodbye to clutter and enjoy an optimized computing experience with this free, easy-to-use file removal software!