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lessmsi for Windows

Free MSI Extractor by Indie Dev

  • Developer: Scott Willeke
  • License Type: free
  • Language: english
  • Platform: Windows
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lessmsi is a free and user-friendly software created by indie developer Scott Willeke. It's designed to extract contents from Windows installer files, specifically those with a .msi extension made by Microsoft. This tool serves as an alternative for managing these files without requiring the initiation of an installation process.
The program can be used with either a command terminal or its graphical user interface (GUI). It's not as common to find files using the .msi extension in comparison to their .exe counterparts. However, both types of files contain programs intended for use on Windows systems. The key difference between them is that not every .exe file comes with an installer, while the presence of one is standard in a .msi file.
There will be situations where you may need to view certain contents within these files or extract specific information from them, and that's where the lessmsi tool comes in handy. The program is compatible with both a command terminal and its own graphical user interface (GUI).
The GUI features an uncomplicated layout that supports drag-and-drop functionality, making it easy to use. Once a .msi file has been added, the software will promptly load all of its content and present it in a clear list format with tabs dedicated to Table View, File Summary, and Data Streams. These tabs offer more detailed information about the .msi file if required.
From there, users can simply select specific contents they want to extract and choose their preferred location for them to be saved in. The software even offers the option of being integrated into the contextual menu via a right-click mouse button, providing quicker access when needed.
If using lessmsi through command terminal, it's important to note that the program does not provide an option for users to select individual files; they can only be extracted in their entirety. Overall, lessmsi is a straightforward and efficient tool designed with a specific purpose in mind, and it excels at what it's intended to do when needed. While not for everyone, the program can be trusted to deliver reliable results whenever required.