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QuickShortcutMaker for Android

Effortless App Navigation with QuickShortcutMaker: Simplify Your Smartphone Today

  • Developer: Sika524
  • License Type: free
  • Language: english
  • Platform: Android
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Quick Shortcut Maker is a helpful tool that lets you create shortcuts for various apps and features on your phone. If you have many different apps installed, it can be difficult to find and open them all without wasting time. Tools like Quick Shortcut Maker make this process easier by creating shortcuts for your favorite apps so they're always at the top of your screen.
The latest version of Quick Shortcut Maker has a better interface and works in multiple languages, making it even more useful for people around the world. It's an excellent choice if you want to quickly access your favorite apps without having to search through all of them every time.
Quick Shortcut Maker is a simple and free app that lets you create shortcuts for your most used apps, tools, and settings on the home screen of your device. This means you can quickly open popular apps like WhatsApp or Gmail without having to search for them each time. Plus, it gives you the ability to customize your shortcuts with names and icons that match your personal style.
To use Quick Shortcut Maker, first download and install the app on your device. Then long-press an empty space on the home screen, tap "Widgets," then choose "Activities." This will bring up the Quick Shortcut Maker icon. Drag this onto your home screen to launch the app, select an activity, customize it as you like, and tap "Create." Now you have a shortcut on your phone's home screen!
Quick Shortcut Maker is safe to use but might require access to certain files or folders on your device. Make sure you have a backup of important data just in case something goes wrong. This app doesn't slow down your phone, but it also doesn't come with advanced features like themes or special launchers that some other apps have.
Despite the lack of extra features, Quick Shortcut Maker still makes it easy to create shortcuts for your favorite apps and group them together. This means you can access the things you use most without spending a lot of time searching through all of your installed apps. With its simple interface and helpful shortcuts, Quick Shortcut Maker is perfect for making your phone faster to use without costing you anything.